Relationship and Emotional Intelligence are particularly effective skills in a fast-changing, highly complex world where employees and customers alike are demanding more and more tailored interactions. Our conferences were designed to increase awareness of the importance of interpersonal and emotional skills. According to our research, these skills have a beneficial impact both on the level of employee engagement even in difficult times, and on the customer experience for the most demanding customers. Relationship Intelligence helps to rally teams, strengthen relationships and create brand ambassadors that will enable your company to succeed in the major challenges of the future.
The secret to success in times of change

This conference was designed to create an important awareness of the major leadership issues of the next decade. In addition, it was developed to help managers better face moments of major transformation and change, whether within their company or impacted from outside.
This conference will allow you to discover …
- the major changes that will have an impact on leadership in the next decade
- the qualities leaders need to master the growing global changes
- how relationship intelligence in leadership strengthens connections throughout the corporate ecosystem
- how to successfully transform your employees into engaged brand ambassadors in times of change
- how to stabilize your business and strengthen the commitment of all contributors to succeed in upcoming goals.
Over the next decade, companies around the world – regardless of their size – will face massive transformations of all kinds:
Crisis-related transformation, organizational changes, increased digitization, the need to protect our planet, the demand for new work styles and new ways of consuming. The list is endless…
In these great moments of change, it is not surprising that employees and business partners feel insecure, unstable, fearful. They have to change their habits, learn new skills, get out of their comfort zone, reorganize and don’t know what will happen tomorrow with the company, their colleagues, themselves.
It is then especially when times are tough that companies need not only leaders with a strong vision, but also leaders who relate to their employees, who serve them, who give them positive energy to move forward in difficult times, who encourage them not to give up, who hold the ship together.
I developed this keynote based on hundreds of interviews with leaders to find out what qualities have helped them the most in times of crisis, challenge, and transformation. I then designed this keynote to make leaders even more attentive, human, powerful and effective in moments when quality leadership at all levels is most important.
The art of turning your teams into brand ambassadors

This dynamic and energetic conference was developed to show that each employee within a company has internal and external customers that he or she must serve in the best possible way. As an ambassador for his company or brand, an employee can generate a “customer” experience if he knows how to embody the highest level of relationship intelligence in front of his entourage. These essential qualities must be fostered by all managers.
This conference will allow you to discover …
- How to bring your sales and service teams to the highest levels of excellence through emotional leadership
- How to create lasting relationships with your teams, customers and suppliers in times of change
- How to inspire and coach your teams to become committed brand ambassadors
- How to best manage millennials and gen z employees
- How to rally your teams and boost their level of engagement for achieving big goals together
Boosting client experience through Relationship Intelligence

In this high-energy conference, sales and service teams will learn how to boost their emotional and relationship intelligence in order to create the best possible customer experience. In an age where customers can learn everything about products and brands online, relationship intelligence is becoming the most important quality to delight demanding customers. Leaving customers with a memorable experience has become a huge challenge today.
This conference will allow you to discover …
- How to increase your sales performance with emotional and relationship intelligence
- How your sales and service teams can help your customers feel emotionally connected to your brand
- How demanding customers can still have a memorable experience in the digital age
- How to generate a seamless omni-channel customer experience
- How to turn modern customers into brand ambassadors
- How to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
Learn more about Michaela Merk’s conferences and keynotes on relationship and emotional intelligence
Working in a company with other employees means dealing with often very different personalities. This can lead to conflicts and deteriorate professional relationships. In order to maintain good working conditions, it is essential to know how to manage one’s emotions, both in dealing with others and with one’s own anxieties. This is what the conference on relationship intelligence is all about.
What is relationship intelligence compared to emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is a concept developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer in the 1990s. It means that man is not only intelligent by the strength of his intellectual quotient, but also and above all, by his emotions and his ability to manage them. Thus, an emotionally intelligent person is able to control his or her emotions with those around him or her, whether private or professional. Relational intelligence is primarily concerned with relationships with others: the ability to communicate, to convince, to inspire, to influence. Before being able to connect with the other person, it is necessary to detect weak signals, to analyze the situation and then to engage a relationship.
Who should attend conferences on relationship intelligence?
Relationship intelligence must be mastered by all teams, from salespeople to their customers, but also from managers to their teams. This is why Michaela Merk’s conferences are aimed at all managers but also at their teams.
A conference on relationship intelligence can be addressed to all members of a company in order to improve the links between employees. Indeed, the inability to manage one’s emotions can hinder the relationships within the company. This can lead to burdensome working conditions and lower productivity.
In addition to inter-company relations, emotional intelligence represents a real asset for sales teams. Indeed, it is about managing one’s own emotions, but also about understanding the emotions of others. This allows you to anticipate the behavior of potential customers and to find the levers to convince them.
What are the objectives of conferences on relationship and emotional intelligence?
The objective of the relationship intelligence conference is to give you the keys to master your emotions.
During this event, several points will be put forward:
– the ability to know and recognize your emotions;
– the attitudes to adopt in order to react to your emotions;
– the attitudes to adopt to react to the emotions of others.
This will allow you to avoid conflicts, to sell better, to be less stressed, to impose your vision as a leader, etc.
Thanks to her experience in speaking with hundreds of companies, Michaela Merk will find the words to help you manage your emotions during this conference on relationship intelligence.